Spiritual Treasures
How I yearn for you to understand
that the restoration of the priesthood is
just as relevant to you as a woman as it
is to any man....
Every woman and every man who
makes covenants with God and keeps
those covenants, and who participates
worthily in priesthood ordinances,
has direct access to the power of God.
Those who are endowed in the house of
the Lord receive a gift of God’s priesthood power by virtue of their covenant,
along with a gift of knowledge to know
how to draw upon that power.
The heavens are just as open to
women who are endowed with God’s
power flowing from their priesthood
covenants as they are to men who
bear the priesthood. I pray that truth
will register upon each of your hearts
because I believe it will change your
life. Sisters, you have the right to draw
liberally upon the Savior’s power to
help your family and others you love...
What I can tell you is that accessing
the power of God in your life requires
the same things that the Lord instructed
Emma and each of you to do
So, I invite you to study prayerfully section 25 of the Doctrine and
Covenants and discover what the Holy
Ghost will teach you. Your personal spiritual endeavor will bring you joy as you
gain, understand, and use the power
with which you have been endowed.
Part of this endeavor will require
you to put aside many things of this
world. Sometimes we speak almost
casually about walking away from the
world with its contention, pervasive
temptations, and false philosophies.
But truly doing so requires you to
examine your life meticulously and
regularly. As you do so, the Holy Ghost
will prompt you about what is no longer needful, what is no longer worthy
of your time and energy.
As you shift your focus away from
worldly distractions, some things that
seem important to you now will recede
in priority. You will need to say no to
some things, even though they may
seem harmless. As you embark upon
and continue this lifelong process of
consecrating your life to the Lord, the
changes in your perspective, feelings,
and spiritual strength will amaze you!...
And Satan certainly does not want you
to understand that every time you worthily serve and worship in the temple,
you leave armed with God’s power
and with His angels having “charge
over” you...
Let me be very clear
about this: if the world loses the moral
rectitude of its women, the world will
never recover...
If you are endowed but not currently married to a man who bears the
priesthood and someone says to you,
“I’m sorry you don’t have the priesthood in your home,” please understand
that that statement is incorrect. You
may not have a priesthood bearer in
your home, but you have received and
made sacred covenants with God in His
temple. From those covenants flows an
endowment of His priesthood power
upon you. And remember, if your
husband should die, you would preside
in your home...
My dear sisters, your power will
increase as you serve others. Your
prayers, fasting, time in the scriptures,
service in the temple, and family history
work will open the heavens to you.
I entreat you to study prayerfully all
the truths you can find about priesthood power. You might begin with
Doctrine and Covenants sections 84
and 107. Those sections will lead you
to other passages....
Now, in closing, I would like to
leave a blessing upon you, that you
may understand the priesthood power
with which you have been endowed and
that you will augment that power by
exercising your faith in the Lord and in
His power.
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