Thursday, January 9, 2020

Disconnect From the World and Connect With Heaven

Be Faithful, Not Faithless
BY STEPHEN W. OWEN Young Men General President

...we must deliberately take time each day to disconnect from the world and connect with heaven....

Regardless of your circumstances, you can make your home the center of gospel learning and living. It simply means taking personal responsibility for your conversion and spiritual growth....

The adversary will try to persuade you that spiritual nourishment isn’t necessary or, more cunningly, that it can wait. He is the master of distraction and author of procrastination. He will bring things to your attention that seem urgent but in reality aren’t that important. He would have you become so “troubled about many things” that you neglect the “one thing [that] is needful.”...

Parents, please build strong relationships with your children. They need more of your time, not less...

Never underestimate the strength that comes from gathering with others who are also trying to be strong....

 Whether you are a leader, a neighbor, a quorum member, or simply a fellow Saint, if you have the opportunity to touch the life of a young person, help him or her connect with heaven. Your influence might be exactly the “Church support” that young person needs.

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