Monday, May 30, 2016

When You Face Challenges and Need Capacity Beyond Your Own

There is no sin, no guilt, no shame, no fear, no loneliness, no heartache, no loss, no depression, no sadness, no terror, no pain, no challenge, no weakness that Jesus has not experienced and overcome. He has all power over all things....

If you turn to Christ when you face challenges and need capacity beyond your own, He can strengthen you and magnify your capacity....

In times of trial and at other times, these marvelous blessings can be ours when we look forward with the eye of faith and take righteous action. Looking forward with the eye of faith in times of trial, however, is not easy. The natural man in us looks forward with the eye of fear and sees only darkness, failure, and pain.
Fear does not go away easily. It resists our efforts to overcome it and returns easily...
  • APRIL 2016

The Redeeming and Strengthening Power of the Savior’s Atonement

Kim B. Clark
Of the Seventy
From a devotional address, “All Things Which Are Good Cometh of Christ,” delivered at Brigham Young University–Idaho on March 31, 2015. For the full address, go

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