- APRIL 2011
To Always Remember Him
By Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Remembering the Savior obviously includes remembering His Atonement, which is symbolically represented by the bread and water as emblems of His suffering and death. We must never forget what He did for us, for without His Atonement and Resurrection, life would have no meaning. ...
I wish to elaborate on three aspects of what it means to “always remember him”: first, seeking to know and follow His will; second, recognizing and accepting our obligation to answer to Christ for every thought, word, and action; and third, living with faith and without fear so that we can always look to the Savior for the help we need....
It would also be appropriate to read this covenant as “always remember Him to keep His commandments.” This is how He always remembered the Father. ...
We can begin by stripping everything out of our lives and then putting it back together in priority order with the Savior at the center.We should first put in place the things that make it possible to always remember Him—frequent prayer and scripture study, thoughtful study of apostolic teachings, weekly preparation to partake of the sacrament worthily, Sunday worship, and recording and remembering what the Spirit and experience teach us about discipleship....
I recognize that aligning our will to that of Jesus Christ as He aligned His will to the Father’s is something not easily achieved....
I can attest that over time our desire and capacity to always remember and follow the Savior will grow.
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