Tuesday, April 19, 2016

You are Not a Lost Cause

You Are Not a Lost Cause

Elder Allen D. Haynie
“It matters not what sins we have committed or how deep we have sunk into that proverbial pit. …
“… What does matter is that Christ is pleading our case before the Father. … That is what really matters and what should give all of us renewed hope and a determination to try one more time, because He has not forgotten us.
“I testify that the Savior will never turn away from us when we humbly seek Him in order to repent; will never consider us to be a lost cause; will never say, ‘Oh no, not you again’; will never reject us because of a failure to understand how hard it is to avoid sin. He understands it all perfectly. …
“Repentance … has the power to lift burdens and replace them with hope.”
Elder Allen D. Haynie of the Seventy, “Remembering in Whom We Have Trusted,” Ensign, Nov. 2015, 122–23.

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