Sunday, April 10, 2016

Warnings from the Book of Mormon

Warnings from the Book of Mormon

Elder L. Tom Perry
“Among the lessons we learn from the Book of Mormon are the cause and effect of war and under what conditions it is justified. It tells of evils and dangers of secret combinations, which are built up to get power and gain over the people. It tells of the reality of Satan and gives an indication of some of the methods he uses. It advises us on the proper use of wealth. It tells us of the plain and precious truths of the gospel and the reality and divinity of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice for all mankind. It informs us of the gathering of the house of Israel in the last days. It tells us of the purpose and principles of missionary work. It warns us against pride, indifference, procrastination, the dangers of false traditions, hypocrisy, and unchastity.
“Now it is up to us to study the Book of Mormon and learn of its principles and apply them in our lives.”
Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Blessings Resulting from Reading the Book of Mormon,” Liahona and Ensign,Nov. 2005, 8.

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