Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to Obtain More Light

The Light of the Perfect Day

Larry R. Lawrence
Of the Seventy

The important thing to ask is, how can we obtain more light so that it “groweth brighter and brighter” within us? I suggest five ways.

Love Others

 Love rapidly brings more light into our spirits; contention and jealousy take light away...
 The real secret for learning to love others is found in serving them...
The more you serve, the more you love, and the more you love, the more light you receive.

Study the Scriptures

Before you open your scriptures each day, pray that you will learn something new to add light to your spirit. Then search for new insights and understanding.

Obey the Commandments

As you discover the commandments in the scriptures, go and do them. For example, if you read the divine counsel to “retire to thy bed early” and “arise early” (D&C 88:124), you had better obey. If you are reading the Doctrine and Covenants and come across the commandment “Thou shalt not speak evil of thy neighbor” (D&C 42:27), then you better watch what you say from now on. As you learn truth, you must apply it to accumulate light.
If you gain light but don’t use it, you may lose it.

Hearken to the Holy Ghost

If you expect spiritual promptings, they will come. If you act on them, you will receive more. If the Holy Ghost asks you to do something that is difficult (like break a bad habit), and you listen and obey the prompting, you will experience a spurt of spiritual growth and a big infusion of light.

Serve in the Temple

Temple light is even more beneficial to your spirit than sunlight is to your body. Consider yourself blessed if you are able to bask in this heavenly light on a regular basis.

Be a Light

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