Tuesday, November 13, 2012

When the Lord Balances His Books

“There were two farmers once who had adjoining fields. The one never worked in his field on Sunday, and his neighbor used to chide him about it. He said, ‘Your crops aren’t doing as well as mine are. Why don’t you work on Sunday?’

“The other farmer said, ‘Well, I want to do what the Lord said. I want to gain the blessings of the Lord.’

“Then one October day they stood at a fence line. The [neighbor] said, ‘Just look at it, Look at my field. It is beautiful, the grain is tall, the heads are full of wheat, and your field shows little signs of neglect. You haven’t tended yours as well as I’ve tended mine. Look at my harvest compared to yours. What do you say now about the blessings you thought you were earning?’

“The [Sabbath-keeping] farmer thought for a few minutes and said, ‘The Lord doesn’t balance his books in October.’ “

President Boyd K. Packer, Mine Errand from the Lord (2008) 193.

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