Friday, November 16, 2012

How Do We Learn to Forgive Others?

President George Albert Smith helps answer this question in chapter 23 of Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith (2011):
  • -          “Before we get into the glory of our Father and enjoy the blessings that we hope to receive through faithfulness, we will have to live the laws of patience, and exercise forgiveness toward those who trespass against us, and remove from our hearts all feelings of hatred toward them.”
  • -          “When we partake of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, . . . let us purge from our hearts all felling of unkindness toward one another and toward our brothers and sisters who are not of our faith.”
  • -          “May we have the Spirit of the Master dwelling within us, that we may forgive all men as He has commanded, forgive, not only with our lips but in the very depts. Of our hearts, every trespass that may have been committed against us.”

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