Monday, July 13, 2020

Unanswered Questions vs. Doctrinal Certainties

Unanswered Questions vs. Doctrinal Certainties
“I can live with some human imperfections, even among prophets of God—that is to be expected in mortal beings. I can live with some alleged scientific findings contrary to the Book of Mormon; time will correct those. And I can live with some seemingly historical anomalies; they are minor in the total landscape of truth. But I cannot live without the doctrinal truths and ordinances restored by Joseph Smith, I cannot live without the priesthood of God to bless my family, and I cannot live without knowing my wife and children are sealed to me for eternity. That is the choice we face—a few unanswered questions on one hand versus a host of doctrinal certainties and the power of God on the other.”
Elder Tad R. Callister was serving in the Presidency of the Seventy when he gave this address, “What Is the Blueprint of Christ’s Church?” (Church Educational System devotional for young adults, Jan. 12, 2014),

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