Come and Belong
By Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is structured to provide opportunities to practice the fundamentals of discipleship. Through our participation in the Church, we learn to recognize and act on the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We develop the disposition of reaching out in compassion and kindness to others.
This is an effort of a lifetime, and it requires practice....
Actively participating in the Church of Jesus Christ and its great variety of opportunities will help us to be better prepared for life’s changing circumstances, whatever and however serious they may be. As members of the Church, we are encouraged to immerse ourselves in the words of God through His prophets, ancient and modern. Through sincere and humble prayer to our Heavenly Father, we learn to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit. We accept calls to serve, teach, plan, minister, and administer. These opportunities allow us to grow in spirit, mind, and character....
As we incline our hearts to our Heavenly Father and draw near to Him, we will feel Him draw near to us....
What, then, is your and my part?
It is to learn of Jesus Christ. To study His words. To hear Him and to follow Him by actively participating in this great work. I invite you to come and belong!
You don’t have to be perfect. You only have to have a desire to develop your faith and draw nearer to Him each day.
Our part is to love and serve God and to love and serve God’s children.
As you do so, God will encircle you with His love, joy, and certain guidance through this life, even under the most serious circumstances, and even beyond.
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