Wednesday, June 13, 2018

If Someone Hurts You


The Savior Heals Our Hurts

Elder Fred A. “Tony” Parker
By Elder Fred A. “Tony” Parker
Of the Seventy, North America Southeast Area

 If someone says something to hurt my feelings, I need to find a way to help him understand why that hurt. It is an opportunity not only to forgive but to build a relationship so that the person doesn’t just look at Tony Parker as an African-American but as a child of God. Jesus taught forgiveness (see Matthew 18:21–35), and He taught us when we have been offended to take it to the individual and work it out (see Matthew 18:15)....

I’ve found that to overcome hurt, whatever the cause, our source of healing and conversion is Jesus Christ (see 3 Nephi 9:13D&C 112:13), and the Church is His means to bring us to Him through learning His gospel and participating in ordinances so that we can be healed.1
That healing for me has come through renewing my covenant relationship with Christ on a weekly basis through the sacrament. He can help us if we are willing to take whatever we are hurt by or struggling with and put it on the altar.
“Lord, I’m not perfect. I’ve got this situation that’s bothering me. So I’m going to put this here. And I’m going to commit to do what You direct me to do. So Lord, help me walk this walk with You.”


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