Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Remembering Christ on the Sabbath

"Sunday is a day to slow down, pause, and remember. We attend our Church meetings; reflect on our blessings, strengths, and shortcomings; seek forgiveness; partake of the sacrament; and ponder the Savior's suffering on our behalf. We try not to be distracted by anything that would prevent us from worshipping Him . . . Any activity we participate in during the Sabbath should be in keeping with the Spirit of remembering Christ. If anything we are doing an any part of the Sabbath takes us away from remembering the Savior and ministering on the Sabbath as He would minister, then perhaps we should reconsider what we are doing. . . .

"Spend some time today creating a thoughtful plan of things that you will do to really make the Sabbath day a sacred and holy day in your life. Then act on your plan."

Larry M. Gibson, "I Do Always Remember Him," New Era, Jan. 2014, 36.

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