Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Could You Please Help Me?

“A few weeks ago, I was hurried and frazzled, with too  many to-dos on my list. I had hoped to go to the temple that day but felt I was just too busy. As soon as that thought of being too busy for temple service crossed my mind, it awakened me to what I most needed to do. I left my office to walk over to the Salt Lake Temple, wondering when I was going to recapture the time I was losing. Thankfully, the Lord is patient and merciful and taught me a beautiful lesson that day.

“As I sat down in the session room, a young sister leaned over and reverently whispered, ‘I’m really nervous. This is only my second time in the temple. Could you please help me?’ How could she ever have known that those words were exactly what I needed to hear? She didn’t know, but Heavenly Father knew. He had observed my greatest need. I needed to serve. He prompted this humble young sister to serve me by inviting me to serve her. I assume you that I was the one who benefited most.”

Linda K Burton, Relief Society General President, “First Observe, Then Serve,” Ensign, Nov. 2012, 80. 

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