Thursday, November 21, 2013

Identify and Challenge Negative Beliefs

“Negative thoughts are the termites of the soul. If we find ourselves frequently thinking or saying, “I can’t,” “It’s too hard,” or “It’s unfair,” then we might ask ourselves if such thoughts are accurate and if they are helping us build the lives we want. It may help to replace these inaccurate assumptions with more constructive thoughts, such as, “I will try,” “I will give it my best,” and Life is what I make of it.” If unproductive, negative thinking remains persistent and significantly impairs our growth, we should consider seeking help, including the aid of a professional counselor.”

Vaughn E. Worthen, Associate Director, Counseling and Career Center, Brigham Young University, “The Healing Balm of Hope,” Ensign, Sept. 2013, 65. 

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