Saturday, November 23, 2013

Discover Unexpected Benefits

“Life’s menu serves each of us our portion of spinach—we may not like such fare, but it can strengthen us. The trials we face can provide unexpected benefits. We can identify something we have struggled with or considered a failure and then ask ourselves questions such as the following:
  •          Is there anything I have learned or can learn from this experience?
  •          Are there others who have experienced something like this whom I could emulate?
  •          Can I develop increased compassion for others and their difficulties because of this experience?
  •          Can this bring me closer to God?

Many of life’s most important lessons are learned from the trials and challenges we experience.”

Vaughn E. Worthen, Associate Director, Counseling and Career Center, Brigham Young University, “The Healing Balm of Hope,” Ensign, Sept. 2013, 66. 

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