Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Waiting Upon the Lord


Christ Heals That Which Is Broken

Cosmic Vending Machine


Our Relationship with God

Weakness is Different Than Rebellion


Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny

You Will Have to Do Something


Do What Mattereth Most

When We Think We Know Better


“Then Will I Make Weak Things Become Strong”

Turn to the Savior Right Away

Is the Plan Working?

The Gift of Feedback


The Gift of Feedback

We naturally get defensive when someone criticizes us. Getting a D on a paper or having a family member knock the way you load the dishwasher stings. But giving and receiving feedback is crucial to our growth—at work, at school, and in our relationships.

While there are best practices for communicating criticism constructively, BYU business adjunct professor Elizabeth A. Dixon (BA ’92, MPA ’96) asserts that “[all] feedback is a gift—no matter how badly it’s wrapped.” Here are Dixon’s top tips on letting feedback help, not hurt.

Professor Lix Dixon holds a gift wrapped present to the camera
Photo by Bradley Slade

What do you do when you get feedback that hurts?

A: Start by taking a breath. The amygdala—the emotional part of your brain—fires immediately when someone offers a difficult critique. Your amygdala doesn’t differentiate between an attack on your life and feedback. If you avoid immediately reacting, you can start processing.

Then zone in on the “what,” not the “who.” Focusing on who gave us the feedback can make us feel emotional and miss the chance to grow. Dig in and find the gift, even if it stings. (But please note that abuse is never feedback.)

How can you create a good environment for giving feedback?

A: First seek a relationship. Get to know your family, roommates, coworkers, and employees as children of God. Know that they have hopes and dreams and fears and doubts.

In day-to-day conversations, focus on what they are doing well. Praise, praise, praise. They’ll want to continue doing those things well. And when you do have a correction, you’ve created a relationship where you never have to sugarcoat anything. They know you care about them and believe that they’re capable. Give 90 percent praise and 10 percent constructive criticism.

What’s the best way to give feedback?

A: Offer it with love. Give the person the benefit of the doubt and remember that your picture of the situation is incomplete. Acknowledge their pressures and constraints. Talk in private.

Some people advocate for the “feedback sandwich”—two compliments with feedback in the middle. But the feedback sandwich usually has so much bread on the outside that the meat of the feedback is hidden, and the receiver does not even hear it. So you do need to be direct.

But if you’re just getting something off your chest, that’s not feedback—that’s anger and venting, and the Spirit leaves you. If you’re angry, write your thoughts down and throw the paper away. Feedback should always be given with the other person’s needs in mind. 

Kevin J. Worthen Story


A Prophetic Promise Fulfilled

In times of trial, we can rely on prophetic guidance.

The Provo temple with snowy mountains in the background
Photo by A.J. Rich/Rich Vintage Photography

Some time ago I had one of those days when nothing seemed to be going right. The issues I was facing as BYU president seemed to have no solutions. No one seemed happy with what was happening, and I was completely unsure why I was in the position that I am in. Fortunately, those kinds of days are rare. But this was one of them. I just wanted to go home and be left alone.

However, several weeks earlier, Peggy and I had made an appointment to attend a temple session that evening. I recall hearing in my head President Russell M. Nelson’s recent urging for us to not only “make an appointment . . . to be in [the Lord’s] holy house” but also to “keep that appointment with exactness and joy.” And I remembered his promise “that the Lord will bring the miracles He knows you need.”¹

So I went to the temple, trying to be joyful and pleading to know what to do and to feel what I needed to feel.

I felt calmer during the endowment session, but I was still somewhat unsettled when the session ended. As Peggy and I spent some time in the celestial room, a young couple came over and introduced themselves as BYU students. They wanted to thank us for all that we did to make BYU a great place. They were full of joy and gratitude; it was clear that BYU had impacted them in a powerful way. This was its own tender mercy—maybe a miracle—to me.

Later, after changing into my street clothes and heading to the lobby to leave, I thought I should add someone’s name to the prayer roll—a practice I usually follow.

At first I thought: “No name comes to mind. Maybe I should just skip it this time.” But then I thought, “Surely someone can use a temple blessing.”

So I went to the area for adding names to the prayer roll. I wrote a name on a slip of paper and put it into the box. I then glanced down at a list of names that had been added by different people on a notepad. I usually pay no attention to that list, but, for some reason, this time I scanned it. Partway down I saw my name: “Kevin Worthen.” I was almost overcome. Someone, maybe one of the students in the celestial room, had added my name to the prayer roll that day. I felt a feeling of complete peace and a deep reassurance that everything would work out. And it did.

Some might think it was just a coincidence that someone wrote my name on the prayer roll list that day, that weeks earlier I had made an appointment to attend the temple on that day, and that on that day I happened to glance at the list. But for me it was a miracle—one God knew that I needed and that, consistent with President Nelson’s promise, God provided.

BYU president Kevin J Worthen gave the campus devotional from which this essay is excerpted and adapted, titled “The Power of Prophetic Promises,” on Jan. 10, 2023. The full text, audio, and video of the address are available at

Portrait of Kevin J Worthen

Kevin J Worthen is the president of Brigham Young University.


  1. Russell M. Nelson, “Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints,” Ensign, November 2018.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

To You Who Are Surviving


He Is Risen with Healing in His Wings:

We Can Be More Than Conquerors

Healing From RelationshipTrauma


Healing from Relationship Trauma