Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What to do When Someone Ticks You Off

"When my feelings are aroused to anger by the ill-doings of others, I hold them as I would hold a wild horse and I gain the victory. Some think and say that it makes them feel better when they are mad, as they call it, to give vent to their madness in abusive and unbecoming language. This, however is a mistake. Instead of its making you feel better, it is making bad worse. When you think and say it makes you better you give credit to a falsehood. When the wrath and bitterness of the human heart are molded into words and hurled with violence at one another, without any check or hindrance, the fire has no sooner expended itself than it is again re-kindled through some trifling course, until the course of nature is set on fire (DBY, 266). 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Appreciate this post. Let me try it out.