Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Have A Relationship With Your Father in Heaven

 Not a day has gone by that I have not communicated with my Father in Heaven through prayer. It is a relationship I cherish—one I would literally be lost without. If you do not now have such a relationship with your Father in Heaven, I urge you to work toward that goal. As you do so, you will be entitled to His inspiration and guidance in your life—necessities for each of us if we are to survive spiritually during our sojourn here on earth. Such inspiration and guidance are gifts He freely gives if we but seek them.

Thomas S. Monson, "Stand in Holy Places," Ensign, Nov 2011, 84. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, this was an incredibly good post. Finding the time and actual effort to produce a superb article… but what can I
say… I procrastinate a whole lot and never manage to get nearly anything