Saturday, January 5, 2019

Don't Feed Your Anger

14 Ways to Get Your Emotional Health Back on Track

By Heather J. Johnson

  1. Don’t feed your anger.People are more likely to feel angry when they choose to see others as (1) threatening, (2) unfair, or (3) disrespectful. Instead, see if you can think of a more charitable explanation for their behavior. For example, perhaps they are tired, uninformed, insecure, or think they are being helpful. Make the choice not to fuel anger.
  2. Resist the tendency to blame or shame others or yourself. Instead, figure out what the problem is and ask the other person for help in fixing it, regardless of whose fault it is.
  3. Listen to the Spirit, not negativity. If you are having thoughts that are belittling, mocking, angry, sarcastic, murmuring, critical, or name-calling, they are not from the Lord. Shut them out. Sing a hymn, recite a scripture, or say a prayer to invite the Spirit back.

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