Monday, October 15, 2018

Happiness Doesn't Come Through World Travel

Family: The Fountain of Happiness

Elder Erich W. Kopischke
Of the Seventy
From a devotional address, “What Do You Envision in Life?” delivered at Brigham Young University on December 2, 2014. For the full text, visit

Mar 2018 Ensign pg 58

Nothing has provided more happiness and satisfaction in our lives than the joy we have found in one another and in our posterity. Once we understood that these are just the beginnings of our eternal progression and therefore only the very first levels of our joy and happiness, we were—and are—willing to sacrifice all we have to live the doctrine of the family and to see our vision fully realized.
I invite you to ponder this doctrine and to come to know for yourself what really matters most. This type of happiness is at the heart of our existence. And the happiness that stems from congenial relationships among husband, wife, and children always grows.
I invite you to set personal goals regarding your vision. In Preach My Gospel we read: “Goals reflect the desires of our hearts and our vision of what we can accomplish. Through goals and plans, our hopes are transformed into action. Goal setting and planning are acts of faith.”

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