In a CES fireside in 2009, Elder Bednar warned against the “potentially stifling, suffocating, suppressing, and constraining impact of some kinds of cyberspace interactions and experiences upon our souls” and pleaded with members “to beware of the sense-dulling and spiritually destructive influence of cyberspace technologies that are used to produce high fidelity and that promote degrading and evil purposes” (“
Things as They Really Are,” Ensign, June 2010, 20).
Elder Bednar invited members to “sweep the earth with messages filled with righteousness and truth” following these four guidelines:
- Be authentic and consistent.
- Seek to edify and uplift rather than to argue, debate, condemn, or belittle.
- Respect the intellectual property of other people and organizations.
- Be wise and vigilant in protecting yourself and those you love. (Remember, the world will have access to your messages and photos for all time).
“Too much time can be wasted, too many relationships can be harmed or destroyed, and precious patterns of righteousness can be disrupted when technology is used improperly,” he later warned. “We should not allow even good applications of social media to overrule the better and best uses of our time, energy, and resources” (“To Sweep the Earth as with a Flood”).