Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who cares about our troubles.
Today I wish to speak of spiritual wellness—how we can find healing from stagnation and walk a path of vibrant spiritual health....
But just because spiritual trials are real does not mean that they are incurable.
We can heal spiritually.
Even the deepest spiritual wounds—yes, even those that may appear to be incurable—can be healed.
My dear friends, the healing power of
Jesus Christ is not absent in our day.
The Savior’s healing touch can transform lives in our day just as it did in His. If we will but have faith, He can take our hands, fill our souls with heavenly light and healing, and speak to us the blessed words, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.”...
hen we are in the light, we can make righteous choices based on true principles. When we are in the light, we have “a perfect brightness of hope”
2 because we can see our mortal trials from an eternal perspective.
We will find spiritual healing as we step away from the shadows of the world and into the everlasting Light of Christ....
He who humbly follows Jesus Christ will experience and share in His light. ...
The Light of Christ enlightens and saturates the souls of all who hearken to the voice of the Spirit.
The Light of Christ fills the universe.
It fills the earth.
And it can fill every heart.
“God is no respecter of persons.”
7 His light is available to all—great or small, rich or poor, privileged or disadvantaged.
If you open your mind and heart to receive the Light of Christ and humbly follow the Savior, you will receive more light. ...
God will open your eyes.
God will give you a new heart.
God’s love, light, and truth will cause dormant things to spring to life, and you will be reborn into a newness of life in Christ Jesus.
The Lord has promised, “If your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.”
This is the ultimate remedy for spiritual sickness. Darkness vanishes in the presence of light....
For change to take place, we need to actively let the light in....
Spiritual darkness can draw a veil of forgetfulness around even those who once walked in the light and rejoiced in the Lord....
Every time you turn your hearts to God in humble prayer, you experience His light. Every time you seek His word and will in the scriptures, the light grows in brightness. Every time you notice someone in need and sacrifice your own comfort to reach out in love, the light expands and swells. Every time you reject temptation and choose purity, every time you seek or extend
forgiveness, every time you courageously testify of truth, the light chases away darkness and attracts others who are also seeking light and truth....
Share those moments with family, friends, and especially with our youth, who are seeking light. They need to hear from you that with this light come hope and healing, even in a world full of darkness.
Christ’s light brings hope, happiness, and healing of any spiritual wound or ailment....
it is our quest to seek the Lord until His light of everlasting life burns brightly within us and our testimony becomes confident and strong even in the midst of darkness.
Deiter F. Uchtdorf, "Bearers of Heavenly Light," Ensign Nov 2017, 78-81.