Saturday, June 3, 2017


Holiness is in the striving and the struggle to keep the commandments and to honor the covenants we have made with God. Holiness is making the choices that will keep the Holy Ghost as our guide.3 Holiness is setting aside our natural tendencies and becoming “a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord.”4 “Every moment of [our lives] must be holiness to the Lord.”5

Sisters, if we would be holy, we must learn to sit at the feet of the Holy One of Israel and give time to holiness. Do we set aside the phone, the never-ending to-do list, and the cares of worldliness? Prayer, study, and heeding the word of God invite His cleansing and healing love into our souls. Let us take time to be holy, that we may be filled with His sacred and sanctifying Spirit. With the Holy Ghost as our guide, we will be prepared to receive the Savior in the beauty of holiness.24

The Beauty of Holiness by Carol F. McConkie

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