It is an amazing and enlightening experience to analyze what we learn from this sacred, awe-inspiring experience. I would like to share a sampling of truths we learn from Joseph Smith’s First Vision regarding the eternal nature of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ; the reality of Satan; the struggle between good and evil; and other important aspects of the great plan of salvation.
We learn that the scriptures are true and can be taken literally and applied in our lives.
We learn that pondering the scriptures brings power and insight.
We learn that knowledge alone isn’t enough; acting on what we know results in God’s blessings.
We learn to put our trust in God and look to Him for answers to life’s most important questions and not to put our trust in man.
We learn that prayers are answered according to our unwavering faith and according to Heavenly Father’s will.
We learn the reality of Satan’s existence and that he has actual power to influence the physical world, including us.
We learn that Satan’s power is limited and superseded by God’s power.
We learn that Satan will stop at nothing to destroy the work of God and that Satan must have known the importance of Joseph Smith in his role as the prophet of the Restoration.
We learn that we can overcome Satan by calling upon God and putting our complete faith and trust in Him.
We learn that where there is light, darkness must depart.
We learn that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, are two separate and distinct beings, resembling each other in features and likeness.
We learn that we are created in God’s image.
We learn that Christ is risen.
We learn that God knows us personally and is aware of our needs and concerns. He called Joseph by name.
We learn of the relationship between the Father and the Son. Jesus defers to His Father, and the Father communicates with mortals here upon the earth through His Son.
We learn that Jesus Christ is beloved of His Father by the Father’s designating Jesus as His Beloved Son.
We learn that the true Church of Jesus Christ as He originally organized it was not found upon the earth at the time of Joseph Smith, confirming the reality of the Great Apostasy foretold by Paul the Apostle.
We learn that when we care enough to desire God’s input in our life, He will reveal a refining course for us. At Joseph’s time all the denominations and sects were wrong.
We learn that every dispensation of time receives the visions, blessings, and glories of God.
We learn insight into how God chooses His prophets.
We learn that God chooses the pure in heart who are righteous and have righteous desires to do His work, confirming the teaching from the Bible that God looks upon the heart and does not choose based on outward appearance or social status or standing (see
1 Samuel 16:7).
The First Vision: Key to Truth