Saturday, March 12, 2016

Meeting The Lord's Standards

Meeting the Lord’s Standards

Linda S. Reeves
“Sisters, Satan has raised a Korihor-like banner in our day. … What are some of his tools? Seductive romance novels, TV soap operas, married women and old boyfriends connecting on social media, and pornography. … We cannot play with Satan’s fiery darts and not get burned. …
“When we are involved in watching, reading, or experiencing anything that is below our Heavenly Father’s standards, it weakens us. Regardless of our age, if what we look at, read, listen to, or choose to do does not meet the Lord’s standards in For the Strength of Youth, turn it off, rip it up, throw it out, and slam the door.”
Linda S. Reeves, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, “Worthy of Our Promised Blessings,” Ensign, Nov. 2015, 10.

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