Friday, January 29, 2016

Questioning While Teaching

In order to generate classroom discussion, a much more useful question is one that invites a variety of thoughtful responses. When you ask this kind of question, you can find out what those you ask are thinking about the subject or what they are puzzling over during your discussion....

It is very helpful to do two things as you prepare your lesson. First, write the question out. Don’t just think of it; write it. Choose words carefully and read them over a few times to make sure that the question asks what you want it to ask in a clear way....

 If you want to ask better questions of those you teach, ask real questions about the scriptures as you read and study and prepare. ...The better you become at asking questions about the scriptures while you study, the better you will become at asking those same great questions of those you teach.

Scott H. Knecht
  • pg 68-69DECEMBER 2015

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