Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The First to Know of Christ's Birth

The Jewish people anxiously anticipated this great event. They knew the Messiah would come, and they expected Him to come in glory, liberate them temporally, establish an earthly kingdom, and rule as their King.
Who would know first of the Messiah’s birth? Would it not be the Sanhedrin or others in positions of power and influence?
The Bible tells us that it was lowly shepherds sleeping on the ground to whom an angel declared the “good tidings of great joy” (Luke 2:10) and that it was Wise Men from afar who saw “his star in the east, and [came] to worship him” (Matthew 2:2). The powerful and the influential, whose vision was blurred by the philosophies of this world, were not with the Savior at His birth or during His ministry. They had before them the real thing but did not know it or accept it.
Gary E. Stevenson, "The Reality of Christmas, " Ensign, Dec 2014, 24-25.

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