Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Gospel of Jesus Christ Will Bless and Comfort

“The fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ brings great comfort in stressful times of mortality. It brings light where there is darkness and a calming influence where there is turmoil. It gives eternal hope where there is mortal despair. It is more than just beautiful doctrine. It is a reality in our lives that if we can be obedient and obtain the eternal rewards that God grants us, if we will draw nigh unto Him and embrace the eternal doctrine, we will be blessed.”

“Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. . . . It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.”

Rachel Jankovic, in Neil L. Andersen, “Children,” Ensign, Nov. 2011, 28. 

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