Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Abortion and Moral Relativism

[Anti-Christ Korihor’s] assertions, many of which may be familiar to a modern audience, contain the following:
a.       There is no God (see Alma 30:28, 37-38).
b.      Belief in Christ is “a foolish and a vain hope” (Alma 30:13).
c.       Those who believe in a remission of sins are under the effects of a frenzied or deranged mind (see Alma 30:16).
d.      Their derangement is caused by following the traditions of their fathers and the whims of corrupt leaders (see Alma 30:14, 23-28, 31).
e.      Man is a creature (see Alma 30:17).
f.        One “[fares] in this life according to the management of the creature; . . . and whatsoever a man [does is] no crime” (Alma 30:17).
g.       There is no sin and no need for a Savior (see Alma 30:17-18).
h.      Those who encourage people to keep God’s commandments are stripping away an individual’s “rights and privileges” (Alma 30:27).
This last point is particularly dangerous, for it elevates one’s rights while avoiding any discussion of one’s responsibilities. In purporting to be in favor of individual liberty, moral relativism actually threatens one’s privilege to exercise agency by ignoring the negative consequences of not being cognizant of one’s responsibilities to others.”

Daniel L. Belnap, “The Book of Mormon & Modern Moral Relativism,” Ensign, Feb 2014, 22.

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