Sunday, September 22, 2013


 “Ordinances are sacred ceremonies in which we make covenants. Covenants are promises we make with God. To connect us with heaven and help us overcome the confusion of the mortal world, ordinances raise our view, providing a vision of the things of eternity. Baptism (in which we are born again spiritually and take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ), confirmation (in which we become a member of the Savior’s Church and receive the incomparable gift of the Holy Ghost), ordination to the holy Melchizedek Priesthood (whereby we obtain God’s holy authority and promise to magnify our callings), the endowment (wherein we are understanding), and sealing (whereby we are connected to our families in an eternal model) collectively bestow on us what we need to fulfill God’s plan.”

Elder Donald L. Hallstrom, “Living a Covenant Life,” Ensign, Jun 2013, 46-47. 

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