Monday, May 6, 2013


 “One of the young women in our ward was taking a test at the local high school. As she looked up, she saw one of her friends cheating. Their eyes made contact. Embarrassed, the friend shrugged her shoulders and mouthed the words “I need the grade.” Somehow this young lady had lost her eternal vision—it is not grades but godhood that is our destination. What good does it do to be accepted to the most prestigious university but forfeit our exaltation in the process? Every time someone cheats, he trades his spiritual birthright for a mess of pottage (see Genesis 25:29-34). In his shortsightedness he has opted for a dollar today rather than infinite wealth in the life to come.”

Tad R. Callister, “Integrity: Foundation of A Christlike Life,” Ensign, Feb 2013, 53. 

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