Friday, July 13, 2012

Our Sustaining Vote

“By our sustaining vote, we make solemn promise. We promise to pray for the Lord’s servants and that He will lead and strengthen them (see D&C 93:51). We pledge that we will look for and expect to feel inspiration from God in their counsel and whenever they act in their calling (see D&C 1:38).

“That promise will need to be renewed in our hearts frequently. Your Sunday School teacher will try to teach by the Spirit, but just as you might do, your teacher may make mistakes in front of the class. You, however, can decide to listen and watch for the moments when you can feel inspiration come. In time you will notice fewer mistakes and more frequent evidence that God is sustaining that teacher.

“As we raise a hand to sustain a person, we commit to work for whatever purpose of the Lord that person is called to accomplish.”

President Henry B. Eyring, “Called of God and Sustained by the People,” Ensign, June 2012, 4. 

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