Monday, May 28, 2012

Love, Watch Over, and Strengthen

How can we as visiting teachers love, watch over, and strengthen a sister? Following are nine suggestions found in chapter 7 of Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society to help visiting teachers minister to their sisters:
                -Pray daily for her and her family.
                -Seek inspiration to know her and her family.
                -Visit her regularly to learn how she is doing and to comfort and strengthen her.
-Stay in frequent contact through visits, phone calls, letters, e-mail, text messages, and simple acts of kindness.
                -Greet her at Church meetings.
                -Help her when she has an emergency, illness, or other urgent need.
                -Teach her the gospel from the scriptures and the Visiting Teaching Messages.
                -Inspire her by setting a good example.
-Report to a Relief Society leader about their service and the sister’s spiritual and temporal well-being. 

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