Sunday, October 16, 2011

Receiving Help From Other Sources

A new calling can be overwhelming as you strive to learn your responsibilities. However, there are many resources you can turn to for help. These resources, along with praying for guidance and direction and direction from Heavenly Father, will help you know how to fulfill your calling and bless the lives of others as you serve.

· Handbooks. Handbooks help explain responsibilities. When you receive your calling, begin by studying the handbook information for your specific responsibility.

· The bishopric, branch presidency, or other leaders. Don’t be afraid to approach leaders to ask for help. This is a good way to learn what needs to be done.

· Someone who has previously served in that calling. These people may have experience or advice that will be useful to you. But remember that the calling is now yours and you can seek inspiration to help you serve effectively.

· Church websites. includes a lot of information and resources. One place to start might be to select “Serving in the Church,” then click on “Handbook 2.”

Ensign, August 2011, 27.

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