Old Testament Scriptures for Specific Occasions
When you:
Feel alone:
Need strength:
Feel unloved:
Feel afraid:
Forget who you are:
Want to feel closer to the Savior:
Old Testament Scriptures for Specific Occasions
When you:
Feel alone:
Need strength:
Feel unloved:
Feel afraid:
Forget who you are:
Want to feel closer to the Savior:
“There may be times when you, like the servant, find yourself struggling to see how God is working in your life—times when you feel under siege—when the trials of mortality bring you to your knees. Wait and trust in God and in His timing, because you can trust His heart with all of yours. … You too can pray for the Lord to open your eyes to see things you would not normally see” (Michelle D. Craig, “Eyes to See,” Liahona, Nov. 2020, 15).
By Elder Ciro Schmeil
Of the Seventy
Through these events I have learned that we don’t need a calling to be an instrument in the Lord’s hands. We just need to have the desire. “Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work” (Doctrine and Covenants 4:3)....
The Lord placed Esther in the king’s house for a purpose—to save the Jews. Just as He did with Esther, the Lord puts us where we can help to fulfill His purposes. For this reason, we must be ready and worthy when faced with the opportunities He presents....
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, then Second Counselor in the First Presidency, said: “The Lord gave you your responsibilities for a reason. There may be people and hearts only you can reach and touch. Perhaps no one else could do it in quite the same way.”
By Alison Wood
Church Magazines
Callings can be hard; sometimes we’re called to do things that we don’t feel qualified for and that take up a lot of our time. Other times it’s the opposite—we might feel like our calling isn’t fully using our abilities and our efforts would be better directed somewhere else. But the Lord knows how to use our talents in a way that blesses not only the people we’re serving but also ourselves.
As I have learned from my own experience, any effort we make to serve the Lord brings an increase to our own lives. If we consecrate our time and talents to the Lord, He will always use them for our good.