Friday, May 13, 2022

How Sure the Promise Is!


You Can Gather Israel!

Waiting on the Lord Implies Action


Hope in Christ

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Infuriating Unfairness


Infuriating Unfairness

Connection Between Principle and Power

 Such help and hope are dearly needed because in this worldwide congregation today are many who struggle with any number of challenges—physical or emotional, social or financial, or a dozen other kinds of trouble. But many of these we are not strong enough to address in and of ourselves, for the help and peace we need is not the kind “the world giveth.”11 No, for the truly difficult problems we need what the scriptures call “the powers of heaven,” and to access these powers we must live by what these same scriptures call “principles of righteousness.”12 Now, understanding that connection between principle and power is the one lesson the human family never seems able to learn, so says the God of heaven and earth!13

And what are those principles? Well, they are listed repeatedly in scripture, they are taught again and again in conferences like this, and in our dispensation, the Prophet Joseph Smith was taught them in response to his own version of the cry “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”14 In the cold, uncaring confinement of Liberty Jail, he was taught that the principles of righteousness included such virtues as patience, long-suffering, gentleness, and love unfeigned.15 Absent those principles, it was certain we would eventually face discord and enmity....

In too many instances, otherwise faithful men, women, and even children can be guilty of speaking unkindly, even destructively, to those to whom they may well be sealed by a holy ordinance in the temple of the Lord. Everyone has the right to be loved, to feel peaceful, and to find safety at home. Please, may we try to maintain that environment there. The promise of being a peacemaker is that you will have the Holy Ghost for your constant companion and blessings will flow to you “without compulsory means” forever.21 No one can employ a sharp tongue or unkind words and still “sing the song of redeeming love.”

Not as the World Giveth