Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Have the Atonement Work in Your Life, and Have Soft Heart

 "I've known a few prophets. You'll hear them criticized and attacked, and people will sometimes talk about their failures or their weaknesses, because they're not perfect. But I'll tell you this: Each time I'm with any of those whom you sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators, I'm struck with how the atonement of Jesus Christ has worked in their lives. There is a kindness, a desire to give their all and to do what the Lord would want, to bless and help and care about people that is beyond what they could have done by just wanting to change or resolving to change. The Atonement is real, it works in people's lives, and you don't have to be an Apostle or a prophet to have it work. If you will begin to do the things he would have you do, you really will find that your desire to do evil will decrease. I testify that you don't need to be afraid or discouraged. The Atonement is real. As you steadily do the things the Lord would have you do, a change will occur in you, and Satan's ability to lead you into the things that will destroy you and bring misery to you will become lessened." 

"What are some things you could do to have a soft heart? First of all, don't think of repentance as something you do after you've made a very serious mistake. Think of repentance as what you do every day. Find a moment each day to review in your mind those things that might have disappointed your Heavenly Father and your Savior, and then go and humbly plead for forgiveness. I would suggest that you do that especially on Sundays when you take the sacrament. Submit yourself to the sacramental ordinance. Don't simply be there, but say to yourself, "I really want to renew my covenants, and I need to have the Lord's forgiveness. Plead with him for his forgiveness. If you'll do that, you'll find that sacrament meetings will take on a greater meaning to you than you've known in the past. You'll come away refreshed and strengthened."

Henry B. Eyring, From a talk give at a Ricks College Devotional, 21 September 1993. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

God Needs Brave Sons

 "[My father] was suffering through the end of a long struggle with bone cancer. He still weighed enough and was in such pain that it was hard work to move him from a chair to his bed. Others far more heroic than  spent the months and the days caring for him. But I took some turns on the midnight-to-dawn shift....

"One night when I was not with him and the pain seemed more than he could bear, he somehow got out of bed and on his knees beside it -I know not how. He pled with God to know why he was suffering so. And the next morning he said, with quiet firmness, "I know why now. God needs brave sons." "

Henry B. Eyring, BYU Devotional, 18 November 1986