The Blessings of Studying the Old Testament
By President Mark L. Pace
Sunday School General President
An Inspiring Question
I’d like to share a story about how a single verse from the Old Testament has influenced me throughout my life.
In 1974, I was 17. I was enjoying life as a junior in high school. I was looking forward to my mission. In the October 1974 Ensign magazine, I read a powerful message from President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) titled “When the World Will Be Converted.”1 I have read it many times since. To this day it inspires me.
President Kimball presented a sweeping global perspective of the growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in this dispensation. He taught of our opportunity and responsibility to take the gospel to all the world. President Kimball quoted a verse from the book of Genesis. It inspired me then and it has continued to inspire me throughout my life: “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14, which is scheduled for study in February).
President Kimball reviewed the story of Abraham and Sarah. Sarah laughed at the Lord’s promise that she and Abraham would have a son. They had not been blessed with children. They were now, respectively, 90 and 100 years old. They were well beyond the childbearing years.
“And the Lord said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh … ?”
“Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son” (Genesis 18:13–14).
Abraham and Sarah exercised faith. The Lord kept His promise. Isaac was born. Abraham became the father of nations.
Strength to Face Challenges
“Is any thing too hard for the Lord?” This Old Testament scripture has strengthened me when I have faced life’s challenges or worries:
As a new missionary when I felt overwhelmed. “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?”
After my mission, when Anne Marie and I were considering marriage and were nervous about how to pay for food, rent, and college tuition. “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?”
As newlyweds, welcoming children and realizing the financial pressures of life. “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?”
Facing the challenges of graduate school, a growing family, and starting a career. “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?”
When I was president of the Spain Barcelona Mission, Anne Marie and I repeatedly referred to this scripture when teaching missionaries. “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?” Letters to our missionaries frequently included a reference to “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?”