Sunday, November 28, 2021


President David O. McKay called meditation "one of the . . . most sacred doors through which we pass into the presence of the Lord." (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay [2003], 32).

Tuesday, October 12, 2021



 “When the Savior knows you truly want to reach up to Him—when He can feel that the greatest desire of your heart is to draw His power into your life—you will be led by the Holy Ghost to know exactly what you should do.”

  President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, “Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 42.

Do Family History if You Can't Get to the Temple


What the Temple Means to Me

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Increased Opportunities for Temple Experiences

 "I Love to See the Temple" President Eyring, April 2021 General conference

"The temple is a holy place we're revelation comes to us easily if our hearts are open to it and we are worthy of it. ...

My purpose today in speaking of temples is to increase your desire and mine to be worthy and ready for the increased opportunity for temple experiences that are coming for us."

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Testimonies Come When...

 "Testimonies often come when there is willingness to serve where we are called. they come when a decision is made to strive to be obedient. Testimonies come during efforts to help, lift, and strengthen others. They come from prayer and from studying the scriptures and applying them in our lives. Whatever our circumstances, there seem to be moments in each of our lives when we can be given the knowledge that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. There is no greater search in life that we can embark upon than the quest to gain a testimony of the truth." (Robert D. Hales, Ensign, Nov. 1994, pg 22). 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How to Heal From Any Struggle

 Wonderful article about the journey of healing.

Empty Nesters

Wonderful article about being empty nesters and to keep your marriage alive. 

Blessings of the Priesthood

 “We sometimes overly associate the power of the priesthood with men in the Church. The priesthood is the power and authority of God given for the salvation and blessing of all—men, women, and children.

“A man may open the drapes so the warm sunlight comes into the room, but the man does not own the sun or the light or the warmth it brings. The blessings of the priesthood are infinitely greater than the one who is asked to administer the gift.”

—Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Power in the Priesthood,” Liahona, Nov. 2013, 92.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

We Need Organized Religion


Get in the Lifeboat: Finding Safety in the Church

Society Needs To Hear from People of Faith


The Eternal Importance of Religious Freedom

What Will Little Children Be Like When They Are Resurrected?


The Salvation of Little Children Who Die: What We Do and Don’t Know

Monday, June 28, 2021

How to Heal From Any Struggle

Young Adults

How to Heal from Any Struggle—One Step at a Time

Together or Apart

Together or Apart

Make Your Children Feel That You Love Them


Keeping Our Children Close to Our Hearts

Friday, May 7, 2021

Tender Mercies Among Life's Challenges


All Nations, Kindreds, and Tongues

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Moral Virtues of Society


Sustainable Societies

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Do Not Contend with Anger


Love Your Enemies

Work in the Temple


Recommended to the Lord

More Unity


Hearts Knit in Righteousness and Unity

Christlike Attributes


Becoming like Him

Emergency Plans and Supplies


We Will Prove Them Herewith

(Abraham 3:25)

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Unusual Rewards

 "Unusual times can bring unusual rewards...

I pray that you will choose to lay hold upon the word of God as it is declared during this general conference."

President Nelson, October 2020 General Conference

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Let Patience have her Perfect Work


Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work, and Count It All Joy!

Sunday, April 11, 2021

God Will Do Something Unimaginable

 God Will Do Something Unimaginable

By Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

My message today is that even though this pandemic is not what we wanted or expected, God has prepared His children and His Church for this time.

    We will endure this, yes. But we will do more than simply grit our teeth, hold on, and wait for things to return to the old normal. We will move forward, and we will be better as a result.

    In a way, we are seeds. And for seeds to reach their potential, they must be buried before they can sprout. It is my witness that though at times we may feel buried by the trials of life or surrounded by emotional darkness, the love of God and the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ will bring something unimaginable to spring forth....

First, the righteous are not given a free pass that allows them to avoid the valleys of shadow. We all must walk through difficult times, for it is in these times of adversity that we learn principles that fortify our characters and cause us to draw closer to God.


    Second, our Heavenly Father knows that we suffer, and because we are His children, He will not abandon us.

    Think of the compassionate one, the Savior, who spent so much of His life ministering to the sick, the lonely, the doubting, the despairing. Do you think He is any less concerned about you today?

    My dear friends, my beloved brothers and sisters, God will watch over and shepherd you during these times of uncertainty and fear. He knows you. He hears your pleas. He is faithful and dependable. He will fulfill His promises.

    God has something unimaginable in mind for you personally and the Church collectively—a marvelous work and a wonder....

Because this is the Church of the living Christ, and because He directs His prophets, we are moving forward and upward to places we’ve never been, to heights we can hardly imagine!

    Now, this does not mean we won’t experience turbulence in our flight through mortality. It doesn’t mean there won’t be unexpected instrument failures, mechanical malfunctions, or serious weather challenges. In fact, things might get worse before they get better....

What is needed during times of crisis is calm and clear-headed trust.

How do we do this?

We face the facts and return to the fundamentals, to the basic gospel principles, to what matters most. You strengthen your private religious behavior—like prayer and scripture study and keeping God’s commandments. You make the decisions based on best proven practices.

Focus on the things you can do and not on the things you cannot do.

You muster your faith. And you listen for the guiding word of the Lord and His prophet to lead you to safety....

Brothers and sisters, with Christ at the helm, things will not only be all right; they will be unimaginable....

As an Apostle of the Lord, I invite and bless you to “cheerfully do all things that lie in [your] power; and then may [you] stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.”11 And I promise that the Lord will cause unimaginable things to come from your righteous labors. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Family Media Plan

 “I recently spoke with a youth leader whose opinion was that ‘putting a cell phone with an internet connection into the pocket of a young person is like placing a hot coal in their pocket—they will get burned,’” said Sister Jones. She suggested that every phone have safeguards, even those that belong to teens and adults.4

Experts recommend creating a family media plan and setting standards and boundaries together. This could include:

  • Establishing set times for use of technology.

  • Limiting online contacts to family and close friends.

  • Establishing technology-free zones, like bedrooms.

  • Establishing a designated media room in a high-traffic area.

  • Creating a charging station where digital devices are left at night.

  • Blocking inappropriate applications and websites through filters and safe-mode settings.

  • Following family members on social media.

  • Deciding the types and ratings of video games to be allowed.

  • Discussing how to respond to cyberbullying or inappropriate images or texts.

  • Setting consequences for the breaking of family standards.5

Regarding rules, Elder Bednar said: “Be careful to not regiment excessively the use of technology or proliferate endless rules and restrictions. Desired attitudes and righteous behavior cannot flourish in the soil of constantly constraining control and coercion. Your love, patience, teaching, and ministering will provide vital spiritual support as [children] press forward on the strait and narrow path.”...

  • “Use a computer, mobile device, or phone for specific purposes. Decide beforehand what you intend to do and how much time you will spend. Experience shows that people are more likely to encounter inappropriate content on the internet when they are casually surfing the web without a specific purpose in mind.

  • “Limit the use of technology when you are feeling bored, lonely, angry, anxious, stressed, or tired or when you feel any other emotion that makes you vulnerable or susceptible.

  • “Select a background screen image that reminds you of your commitment to follow Jesus Christ.”9

Chile: Family Life

Join the Battle

A few years ago, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles made this observation (especially poignant in light of COVID-19): “If this moral plague [of pornography] could catch our imagination the way a medical epidemic does, we would be calling out every available member of the health care industry, every doctor and nurse and technician and orderly; we would have the attention of every father and mother, every grandparent and aunt and uncle asking what they could do; we would see educators and businessmen, lawyers and scientists, PTA organizations and welfare agencies lining up to send out flyers, to flood the airwaves, to give immunization shots. … Yes, this ought to be seen like a public health crisis; like an infectious, fatal epidemic.”

Making Our Homes Media Safe