“I have a friend who prays every day to meet someone who is
prepared to receive the gospel. He carries with him a copy of the Book of
Mormon. The night before a short trip, he decided not to take a copy with him
but instead a spiritual impression came to him: “Take a Book of Mormon with
you.” He put on in his bag.
“When a woman he knew sat next to him on the trip, he
wondered, “Is this the one?” She rode with him again on the return trip. He
thought, “How should I bring up the gospel?”
“Instead, she said to him, “You pay tithing to your church, don’t you? He said
he did. She said she was supposed to pay tithing to her church but didn’t. Then
she asked, “What can you tell me about the Book of Mormon?”
“He explained that the book is scripture, another witness of
Jesus Christ, translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith. She seemed interested, so
he reached into his bag and said, “I was impressed to bring this book with me.
I think it is for you.”
“She began to read it. As they parted, she said, “You and I
are going to have more conversations about this.”
“What my friend could not know—but what God did know—was that she was looking for a
church. God knew she had watched my friend and wondered why his church made him
so happy. God knew she would ask about the Book of Mormon and that she would be
willing to be taught by the missionaries. She was prepared. So was my friend.
You and I can also be prepared.”
President Henry B. Eyring, “Sharing the Gospel Heart To
Heart,” Ensign Sept 2012, 4.