Saturday, February 25, 2012

Personal Revelation

“Sister Eliza R. Snow, our second Relief Society general president, was a strong and faithful early leader. She understood that the Spirit “satisfies and fills up every vacuum.” Through different seasons in her life, she struggled with poor health and loneliness. However, she was strengthened as she was able to receive and act on personal revelation. To her, personal revelation and the constant companionship of the Spirit were like a fountain. She said, “And is it not our privilege to so live that we can have this constantly flowing into our souls?”
“Examples such as this throughout our history help us remember that the ability to receive and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill we can acquire in this life. With it we cannot fail; without it we cannot succeed.”
Julie B. Beck, “Relief Society History: A Look at the Lord’s Vision for His Daughters,” Ensign Sept 2011, 40-43.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Daughters in my Kingdom

“We learned that in our preparation for the blessings of eternal life, the Lord wanted His daughters to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need. As sisters today prayerfully read their history, they will receive insights, answers, and inspiration just as we did.”

Julie B. Beck, “Relief Society History: A Look at the Lord’s Vision for His Daughters,” Ensign Sept 2011, 40-43.


You are valiant if you:

·         Keep on going when you think you can’t go anymore.
·         Admit your mistakes and strive to be better.
·         Pickup the scriptures and put down the TV remote.
·         Tell the truth when a lie would be easier.
·         Refuse to do wrong even when everyone else is doing wrong.
·         Set aside personal interests and postpone education to serve a mission.
·         Speak no ill of another.
·         Are honest even when it seems that no one else is.
·         Choose not to click on a pornographic site.
·         Smile and help another even when you yourself need help.
·         Exercise self-control.
·         Pray with all your heart.
·         Forgive
·         Strive to raise your children in light and truth.
·         Share the gospel without regard to consequences.
·         Remember the Lord and keep His commandments.
·         Don’t count the cost.

Elder Laurence E. Corbridge, “Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus Christ,” Ensign, Sept 2011, 35-37

Power To Change

“Jesus Christ is the Light and Life of the world. He alone both reveals our weaknesses and provides us with the power to change and become strong where we are weak.”

Elder Laurence E. Corbridge, “Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus Christ,” Ensign, Sept 2011, 35-37

Monday, February 6, 2012

Gifts and Talents

“For those of us who feel wanting when it comes to talents and gifts, it is encouraging to know that this invitation is not to dazzle others with who we are or what we know. Rather, our light is the Light of the World reflected in us as we simply strive to do as He did. That’s it. The Lord tells us to follow Him and not be ashamed or unwilling to stand out. Do not be ashamed to hold up His light.  Do not be afraid to shine. Do not worry about the outcome….But we must be willing to speak up, stand up, and stand out for the truth….Choose the right regardless of the consequences”

Elder Laurence E. Corbridge, “Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus Christ,” Ensign, Sept 2011, 35-37

What the Lord Asks

Whatever the Lord asks is little in comparison with what He has given and in light of what we receive through our small sacrifices—even redemption, revelation, power, joy, peace, knowledge, confidence, faith, hope, charity, dominions, eternal life, and all the Father has.

Elder Laurence E. Corbridge, “Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus Christ,” Ensign, Sept 2011, 35-37