Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Reach With a Rescuing Hand

“All of us need to be reminded of the past. It is from history that we gain knowledge which can save us from repeating mistakes and on which we can build for the future….

I take you back to the general conference of October 1856. On Saturday of that conference Franklin D. Richards and a handful of associates arrived in the [Salt Lake Valley]. They had traveled from Winter Quarters with strong teams and light wagons and had been able to make good time. Brother Richards immediately sought out President Young. He reported that there were hundreds of men, women, and children scattered over the long trail from Scottsbluff to this valley. Most of them were pulling handcarts. They were accompanied by two wagon trains which had been assigned to assist them. They had reached the area of the last crossing of the North Platte River. Ahead of them lay a trail that was uphill all the way to the Continental Divide with many, many miles beyond that. . . .

The next morning [President Young] came to the old Tabernacle which stood on [Temple Square]. He said to the people”

“. . . Many of our brethren and sisters are on the plains with handcarts, and probably many are now seven hundred miles from this place, and they must be brought here, we must send assistance to them. . . .

“That is my religion; that is the dictation of the Holy Ghost that I poosess. It is to save the people.

“I shall call upon the Bishops this day. I shall not wait until tomorrow, nor until the next day, for 60 good mule teams and 12 or 15 wagons. I do not want to send oxen. I want good horses and mules. They are in this Territory, and we must have them. Also 12 tons of flour and 40 good teamsters, besides those that drive the teams.

“I will tell you all that your faith, religion, and profession of religion, will never save one soul of your in the Celestial Kingdom of our God, unless you carry out just such principles as I am now teaching you. Go and bring in those people now on the plains.”

That afternoon, food, bedding and clothing in great quantities were assembled by the women. The next morning, horses were shod and wagons were repaired and loaded.

The following morning, Tuesday, 16 mule teams pulled out and headed eastward. By the end of October, there were 250 teams on the road to give relief.

Wonderful sermons have been preached from this pulpit, my brethren and sisters. But none has been more eloquent than that spoken by President Young in those circumstances.

. . . We have some of our own who cry out in pain and suffering and loneliness and hear. Ours is a great and solemn duty to reach out and help them, to lift them, to feed them if they are hungry, to nurture their spirits if they thirst for truth and righteousness.

There are so many young people who wander aimlessly and walk the tragic trail of drugs, gangs, immorality, and the whole brood of ills that accompany these things. There are widows who long for friendly voices and that spirit of anxious concern which speaks of love. There are those who were once warm in the faith but whose faith has grown cold. Many of them wish to come back but do not know quite how to do it. They need friendly hands reaching out to them. With a little effort, many of them can be brought back to feast again at the table of the Lord.

My brethren and sisters, I would hope, I would pray, that each of us . . . would resolve to seek those who need help, who are in desperate and difficult circumstances, and lift them in the spirit of love into the embrace of the Church where strong hands and loving hearts will warm them, comfort them, sustain them, and put them on the way of happy and productive lives.

I leave with you my beloved friends, my co-workers in this wonderful cause, my testimony of the truth of this work, the work of the Almighty, the work of the Redeemer of mankind.”

President Gordon B. Hinckley, General Conference Address October 6, 1996.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Grateful for Tender Mercies

"We should be grateful for all the tender mercies that come into our lives. We are unavware of hosts of blessings that we receive from day to day. It is extremely important that we have a spitit of gratitude in our hearts."
Elder Quentin L. Cook, "The Songs They Could Not Sing," Ensign, Nov 2011, 105.

Monday, November 21, 2011


"Gratitude is a mark of a noble soul and a refined character. We like to be around those who are grateful. They tend to brighten all around them. They make others feel better about themselves. They tend to be more humble, more joyful, more likable."

Joseph B. Wirthlin "Live in Thanksgiving Daily," Ensign, Sept. 2001, 8.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Principal of Modesty

"Some Latter-day Saints may feel that modesty is a tradition of the Church or that it has evolved from conservative, puritanical behavior. Modesty is not just cultural. Modesty is a gospel principle that applies to people of all cultures and ages. In fact, modesty is fundamental to being worthy of the Spirit. To be modest is to be humble, and being humble invites the Spirit to be with us."

Elder Robert D. Hales, "Modesty: Reverence for the Lord," Liahona, Aug. 2008, 18; Ensign, Aug. 2008, 34.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Consistent Scripture Reading

“I find that when I get casual in my relationships with divinity and when it seems that… no divine voice is speaking, that I am far, far away. If I immerse myself in the scriptures the distance narrows and the spirituality returns. “

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball (2006), 67.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Milk Cocktail

“I have found that if you live the way you should live, people notice and are impressed with your beliefs and you have an influence on the lives of others.

“I spent my career in the department store business. Because I was part of a management team, it was important for me to interact socially with local business organizations. The meetings with most of these organizations always started with a cocktail hour. It was a time to mix and get acquainted with the men who belonged to the organization. I have always felt uncomfortable in these social hours. At first I started asking for a lemon-lime soda. I soon discovered that lemon-lime soda looks like many of the other drinks. I could not build the impression I was a nondrinker with a clear soda in my hands. I tried root beer. It had the same problem.

“Finally I decided I had to have a drink that would clearly mark me as a nondrinker. I went to the bartender and requested a glass of milk. The bartender had never had such a request. He went into the kitchen and found a glass of milk for me. Now I had a drink that looked very different from the alcoholic beverages the others were drinking. Suddenly I was the center of attention. There were a lot of jokes made of my drink. My milk was a conversation piece. I met more business leaders that evening than I ever had before at a cocktail hour.

“Milk became my drink of choice at the cocktail hours. It soon became common knowledge I was a Mormon. The respect I received really surprised me, as did an interesting event that started to occur. Others soon joined me in a pure milk cocktail!

“Dare to be different. Live up to the standards we are taught in the gospel.”

Elder L. Tom Perry, From an address delivered on January 15, 2010, at Utah Valley University.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Improvements in your physical temple

“Go and stand in front of a temple. Study carefully the house of the Lord and see if it does not inspire you to make some improvements in the physical temple the Lord has given to you to house your eternal spirit. The Lord has established some basic standards for the governance of our physical bodies. Obedience to these standards remains as a requirement for ordination to the priesthood, for a temple recommend, and for holding a calling in the Church.”

Elder L. Tom Perry, From an address delivered on January 15, 2010, at Utah Valley University.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How Can We Find Peace and Hope in Troubled Times?

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles helps answer this question in "This, the Greatest of All Dispensations" (Liahona, July 2007, 18; Ensign, July 2007, 53):

1. "Live as faithfully as we possibly can. . . . We must not be paralyzed just because [of events] ahead of us somewhere."

2. "Never let fear and the father of fear (Satan himself) divert us from our faith and faithful living."

3. "Be faithful. God is in charge. He knows your name and He knows your need."

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Declaration of the Living Christ

"I do not wish to give offense to any of my Christian colleagues who use the cross on the steeples of their cathedrals and at the altars of their chapels, who wear it on their vestments, and imprint it on their books and other literature. But for us, the cross is the symbol of the dying Christ, while our message is a declaration of the Living Christ. . . .
". . . The lives of our people must become the most meaningful expression of our faith and, in fact, therefore, the symbol of our worship. "

President Gordon B. Hinckley (1920-2008), "The Symbol of Our Faith," Liahona and Ensign, April 2005, 3.